Crafting Enterprise – Session 6 – Creating fabric designs

Today was the day that the students used the images they have been gathering to begin creating their fabric designs. Alongside this they began thinking about and sketching out what they would like to create for the eventual collection of accessories that they are going to be producing.


Some brought along photographs that they had taken in and around their homes, others found inspiration in the natural landscape of the school grounds and some students used sketchbook creations as the starting point for their work. With support from Hayley the students got to grips with the limitless possibilities of Photoshop and began manipulating the photographs, altering the colours, light levels and saturation and generally experimenting. Through mirroring, distorting and repeating some wonderful patterns began to emerge and the students could begin visualising, in detail, what the fabric and the finished articles might look like.

And there was no shortage of ideas when it came to the form that the accessories might take. The students were asked to come up with at least three ideas that would make use of the skills they had learned and would combine both metal and fabric. Some were furiously sketching in their books whilst others gazed into space waiting for inspiration. And great flashes of inspiration did come as they began to realise that they were by no means limited to the cuffs, bows and bracelets that they had already made.

Over the next couple of weeks ideas will be developed further, students individual pattern designs will be transferred to fabric, and the collection will begin to take shape!

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